Rob Pilger - Phone: 904.463.1668 .

Rob Pilger rack squating 600lbs

Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version of the picture.
picture 6

Jason performing chin up with 65 lbs. @ a bodyweight of 140!
picture 2

Jason performing keg snatch
picture 3

Stacey performing X Band Walks
picture 4

Wesley working up to a 5RM Bench press/Chains
picture 5

Lana foam rolling her quads
picture 10

Wayne performing 90 lb tire pulls
picture 7

Aaron performing glute Hamstroc raise
picture 8

Nick hammering out Sledge strikes
picture 9

Jason doing tire flips

picture 9

St. Augustine High Baseball Sensation Wayne performing Trap Bar DeadLifts

Dorthy performing supine lateral ball roll
Dorthy performing supine lateral ball roll
Devin performing Med ball side throws
Devin performing Med ball side throws

Stacy performming warm up set of db Romanian deadlifts
Stacy performming warm up set of db Romanian deadlifts
Gregg performing a reverse hyper extension
Gregg performing a reverse hyper extension

Devin performing Med ball side throws
Eddie Pottenger Performing Pull Throughs

  Rob Pilger - Phone: 904.463.1668 .